Sunday, May 7, 2023

Master the Command Prompt: Top 20 Windows Commands in 10 Minutes

Here are the top 20 Windows command prompt commands you need to know. And we're gonna do this in 10 minutes. So first, let's launch our Windows command prompt. Either hit Windows Key S or click the start menu icon and search for cmd. Right? Click that and put that sucker in a beast mode. Run as administrator.

1. ipconfig - to find your computer's IP address

2. ipconfig /all - to find your computer's IP address, Mac address, and DNS server

3. ipconfig /all | find "DNS" - to filter the output of the ipconfig /all command and see only the DNS information

4. ipconfig /release - to release the current IP address of your computer

5. ipconfig /renew - to renew the IP address of your computer

6. ipconfig /flushdns - to delete the DNS resolver cache on your computer

7. ipconfig /displaydns | clip - to copy the output of the ipconfig /displaydns command to your clipboard

8. nslookup - to troubleshoot DNS issues and find the IP address of a domain name

9. nslookup - to find the IP address of

10. nslookup - to find the IP address of using the Google DNS server (

11. cls - to clear the screen in the command prompt

12. getmac /v - to find your computer's Mac address

13. powercfg /energy - to check for power issues with your computer

14. powercfg /batteryreport - to generate a report about your computer's battery

15. assoc - to see which file types are associated with which programs

16. assoc .mp4=vlc - to associate MP4 files with the VLC media player

17. chkdsk - to check for errors on your hard drive

18. chkdsk /f - to fix errors on your hard drive

19. chkdsk /r - to recover data from bad sectors on your hard drive

20. tasklist - to view a list of currently running processes in Windows

21. tasklist /svc - to view a list of currently running processes and their services

22. taskkill /f /im processname.exe - to forcefully end a process by its name

23. shutdown /s /t 0 - to shut down your computer immediately

24. shutdown /r /t 0 - to restart your computer immediately

25. shutdown /s /t 3600 - to shut down your computer after 3600 seconds (1 hour)

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